Contract Information
Our policy at Manor Farm Livery is for all the animals to be happy and the people to be friendly and conscientious.
The rules detailed below are for everyone’s benefit and are not meant to offend.
Yard opening and closing times are from 7am - 8pm. Owners going to shows or visiting a sick horse may do so outside opening times providing prior notice is given.
We have a worming programme and all new horses must be wormed or worm counted on arrival. They will then join the programme and be wormed / worm counted at the same time as the other horses. Any wormers will be added to the monthly extras invoice.
Passports 'by law' should remain with the horse at all times and should be handed in to the office on arrival with the livery contract. Passports can then be collected if the horse is travelling. E.g. to the vets or a show.
All horses are required to have 3rd party and public liability insurance at a minimum. All horses must also be up to date with flu and tetanus vaccinations.
All liveries have free use of the ménage. The ménage rules must be adhered to. All droppings are to be picked up as soon as possible and no later than when your horse has been un-tacked, this is to ensure the surface remains in good condition. All jumps and poles must be packed away when finished with. No loose schooling allowed. No excessive jumping or galloping in the ménage for obvious safety reasons, please stick to the standard ménage rules (pass left to left, faster pace has the use of the outside track, etc) and please respect other people when sharing the school.
Livery is to be paid in advance and will be paid monthly by standing order. Livery is due on the 1st of the month or on the date of arrival. It is to be paid by 48 hours after this date at the latest or the contract will be terminated, and you will be asked to leave. This is to prevent any livery getting behind with payments. Any extra services that you may have used will be dated and added to your monthly
extras bill. One months' notice is to be given before the contract can be terminated and the horse leaves.
All stables are to be mucked out by 11am at the latest to reduce odour, unsightly stables and to try and keep flies to a minimum throughout the summer months. Exceptions can be made if you are attending a competition or the vets but please make us aware.
All liveries agree that in the event of an emergency, if they cannot be contacted that they give a representative at Manor Farm permission to call a vet on their behalf that may need to administer euthanasia.
Vet and farrier visits will be arranged by you and paid for by yourselves. We are available to hold your horse in your absence which will incur a fee. Suitable times are to be agreed with ourselves to suit everyone involved.
Although we take every precaution to ensure your horses safety, accidents do happen and we or other liveries cannot take responsibility for such accidents, i.e. if another horse kicks yours.
If your horse shows any sign of aggression towards other horses or people whether it be kicking or biting please refrain from tying your horse on the yard when any other liveries are around.
Any damage caused at Manor Farm by yourself, your horse, your property or your visitors will be your responsibility and you will be required to pay for any repairs needed.
Smoking in or around the stables or barns is strictly forbidden. Any mistreat to their own horses, or anyone else's horse will not be tolerated. Any thieves will be reported to the police. In these events no notice will be given, and contracts will be terminated immediately. Your livery payment will
not be refunded.
Riding hats to the current standard must be worn at all times whilst mounted at Manor Farm. Any accidents must be reported and entered into the accident book which is stored in the office.
Please ensure you tidy up after yourselves, your horse and your visitors. Dogs are not allowed in or around the yard or farm. Children are only permitted on the yard, provided they are always supervised and act sensibly around the horses. All children should wear a suitable protective riding hat whilst mounted or handling horses on the yard. Toddlers & small children are not encouraged due to Manor Farm being a working farm and is not by definition child friendly or a safe environment, we cannot take responsibility for the safety of children whilst on site.
If you bring your horse in during the day after we have mucked out, please ensure you leave your stable and the yard tidy before you leave.
Your cars and property are left at your own risk. Your tack will be locked in a secure alarmed tack room fitted with cctv but we would advise for it to be insured as we cannot take responsibility in the case of a break in.
Visitors must be limited to a maximum of two per time to prevent other horses/liveries getting distressed. We are a quiet organised yard and do not tolerate any negative behaviour from liveries or visitors.
Each livery will have their own feed bins allocated to ensure you only pay for the feed your horse consumes. We have our own hay which is included in the price. We will be responsible for filling hay nets during the week and we request that you do not over feed your horse hay at the weekends to minimise any waste.
We hope that you and your horse will have a long and happy stay at Manor Farm Livery and would like to take this opportunity to welcome you.